Contacts / How to get there

Contact us

Ca’ Rustica & Ibisco

Via Ca’ De Luca, 10
Ca’ Lino di Chioggia (VE

tel: +39 347 14 60 112
tel: +39 338 81 93 037

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    How to reach us

    If you are travelling by car

    From the North
    reach the A4 motorway in the direction of Venice. Exit at Padova Zona Industriale. Turn right following the signs for Piove di Sacco/Chioggia. When you reach Piove di Sacco (10km) turn left and follow the signs for Chioggia/Ravenna. After about 15 km you will find the junction with the S.S. 309 Romea; turn right and follow the signs for Chioggia. Pass the signs for Chioggia Centro but DO NOT enter Chioggia. Continue to Ravenna. After about 3 km you will find the bridge over the river Brenta. Immediately after finishing the bridge turn left and follow the signs for Isola Verde. Follow the road; after about 1 km on the right turn into via Ca’ De Luca (dirt road); after about 100 mt. Turn right and follow the main street. On the right you will find Ca’Rustica and Ibisco not far away.

    From the South
    from Bologna A13 motorway, exit at Padova Sud; from there take the S.S. 516 for Chioggia Sottomarina. After about 18 km you will find the junction with the S.S. 309 Romea; turn right and follow the signs for Chioggia. Pass the signs for Chioggia Centro but DO NOT enter Chioggia. Continue to Ravenna. After about 3 km you will find the bridge over the river Brenta. Immediately after finishing the bridge turn left and follow the signs for Isola Verde. Follow the road; after about 1 km on the right turn into via Ca’ De Luca (dirt road); after about 100 mt. Turn right and follow the main street. On the right you will find Ca’Rustica and Ibisco not far away.


    If you travel by train

    The Chioggia-Sottomarina train station can only be reached via the Adria-Loreo-Chioggia line. Alternatively, the nearest station is Padua and from there to Chioggia-Sottomarina via Bus. To reach Ibisco and Ca’Rustica you will need a taxi.


    If you travel by boat

    From Venice there is the daily connection with Chioggia (ACTV public lines). From Chioggia to the agriturismo there is a taxi or bus (Direction Ca’Lino). If you arrive with your boat you can moor in Chioggia or at the mouth of the Brenta river (1,5 km from the agriturismo) in one of the countless marinas nearby (call us or write us if you want to have more detailed information; consult the useful addresses for information on some of the most important marinas).

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